Rifle drill in a German Wehrmacht pioneer replacement battalion. It was a challenge to keep the white drill uniform (Drillichzug) pristine and over time they took on a dingy faint greyish or yellowish tint to signify an old hand, an alten Landser ('old salt'). In 1940 reed green Drillichzugen began to be issued and the old white outfits became even more of a sign of veterans. The drill uniform was devoid of Lametta (tinsel), that is, insignia and adornments. Recruits did a great deal of rifle drill which improved physical fitness, stamina, coordination, and familiarity with the rifle, here Mauser Kar.98b 'carbines' issued to training and other second-line units. Being pioneers, they sometimes conducted such drills with shovels. Their Obergefreiter, wearing Drillichhose, drills them relentlessly, harassing them with Schikanen (nasty tricks). In the background is a Hf.1 light field wagon* with each Pionierezug possessing one for its equipment, which could weigh up to 1,360kg. Most wagons had smaller front wheels, but German military wagons used the same sized large wheels on all axels requiring only one size for replacements.
* Hf. = Heersfahrzeug (Army vehicle).
Source :
"German Pionier 1939-45: Combat Engineer of the Wehrmacht" Gordon L. Rottman & Carlos Chagas